
/Cybersecurity/ /Hacky'Nov 0x03/ /PrivEsc/

HN0x03 | Escalade comme un Yamakasi - Easyone

HN0x03 | 🩸 Escalade comme un Yamakasi - Easyone

This challenge is a part of the Hacky’Nov 0x03 CTF.


Read the flag at the root of the filesystem.


First thing to check for thing kind of challenges is the sudo permissions:

user@d89b66f590cb:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for user:
Matching Defaults entries for user on d89b66f590cb:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin, use_pty

User user may run the following commands on d89b66f590cb:
    (ALL) /bin/cat

Here, we can see that we can run the cat command as root. Nothing more to do, we got the flag:

user@d89b66f590cb:~$ sudo cat /flag.txt